2008年10月27日 星期一

Thomas Friedman專欄:Lead, Follow or Move Aside

佛里曼一年多前這篇專欄文章,肯定對Wal Mart上週在北京供應商高峰會宣布施行「綠色供應鍊」一事脫不了干係,如果沒有意外,他在新書中《世界又熱又平又擠》一定繼續表揚這樣的模範生行為。只是,節能減碳固然可以在某些層面帶來經濟上的效益,但整體來看,最後絕對不是皆大歡喜的白吃午餐,那誰是買單者呢。初步看來,Wal Mart是要拉供應商做墊背...

Lead, Follow or Move Aside

September 26, 2007


China today is entering a really delicate phase on the climate-energy issue — the phase I like to call “The Wal-Mart environmental moment.” I wish the same could be said of America and President Bush.

The “Wal-Mart environmental moment” starts with the C.E.O. adopting a green branding strategy as a purely defensive, public relations, marketing move. Then an accident happens — someone in the shipping department takes it seriously and comes up with a new way to package the latest product and saves $100,000. This gets the attention of the C.E.O., who turns to his P.R. adviser and says, “Well, isn’t that interesting? Get me a sustainability expert. Let’s do this some more.”

The company then hires a sustainability officer, and he starts showing how green design, manufacturing and materials can save money in other areas. Then the really smart C.E.O.’s realize they have to become their own C.E.O. — chief energy officer — and they start demanding that energy efficiency become core to everything the company does, from how its employees travel to how its products are manufactured.

That is the transition that Lee Scott, Wal-Mart’s C.E.O., has presided over in the past few years.

Last July, Mr. Scott was visiting a Wal-Mart in Las Vegas on a day when the temperature was more than 100 degrees. He happened to notice that a Wal-Mart staple — inexpensive Styrofoam coolers — were not being promoted by the store’s associates. As Andrew Ruben, Wal-Mart’s vice president for sustainability, told me: “Lee walked into the store and said, ‘It’s 105 degrees. Why aren’t we selling any coolers?’ The associates said, ‘We don’t want to sell Styrofoam coolers because of their impact on the environment.’ So Lee called us afterwards and said: ‘We’re going to have to figure this out.’ By that he meant innovation of a different kind of cooler” that doesn’t come from petroleum-based Styrofoam, which is not biodegradable and usually not recycled.

Wal-Mart on Monday also announced a partnership with the Carbon Disclosure Project (C.D.P.) to measure the amount of energy used to create products throughout its supply chain — many of which come from China.

Said C.D.P. Chief Executive Paul Dickinson: “Wal-Mart will encourage its suppliers to measure and manage their greenhouse gas emissions, and ultimately reduce the total carbon footprint of Wal-Mart’s indirect emissions. We look forward to other global corporations following Wal-Mart’s lead.”

China’s leadership is not where Lee Scott is yet. Chinese officials still put their highest priority on growing G.D.P. — their bottom line. But for the first time, the costs of this breakneck growth are becoming so obvious on China’s air, glaciers and rivers that the leadership asked for briefings on global warming. Many Chinese mayors are looking to get clean-technology industries — like wind turbines and solar — started in their cities.

At such a key time, if the U.S. government adopted a real carbon-reducing strategy, as California and Wal-Mart have, rather than the obfuscations of the Bush team, it would have a huge impact on China and only trigger more innovation in America.

Mr. Bush will be convening his climate photo op — oops, I mean “conference” — in Washington tomorrow, which will include Chinese and Indian officials. But, as Rob Watson, the C.E.O. of EcoTech International, which works on environmental issues in China put it: “The Chinese are not going to take anything we say seriously if we don’t set an example ourselves.”

David Moskovitz, who directs the Regulatory Assistance Project, a nonprofit that helps promote green policies in China, was even more blunt: “The most frequent and difficult question we get in China with every policy initiative we put forward is: ‘If it is so good, why aren’t you doing it?’ It’s hard to answer — and somewhat embarrassing. So we point to good examples that some American states, or cities, or companies are implementing — but not to the federal government. We can’t point to America.”

Too bad. “It was America which put environmentalism on the world’s agenda in the 1970s and ’80s,” recalled Glenn Prickett, a senior vice president for Conservation International. “But since then, somehow, the wealthiest and most powerful country on the planet has gone to the back of the line.”

Leadership is about “follow me” not “after you.” Getting our national climate regulations in order is necessary, but it will not be sufficient to move China. We have to show them what Wal-Mart is showing its competitors — that green is not just right for the world, it is better, more profitable, more healthy, more innovative, more efficient, more successful. If Wal-Mart can lead, and California can lead, why can’t America?


摘自:經濟觀察報 (2008年10月27日)


作為全球範圍內推進 「綠色供應鏈」的第一步,沃爾瑪為中國賣家們規定了一系列詳盡而嚴苛的新標準,但它卻似乎不願分擔由此引發的成本上升。



明年1月開始,中國供應商將與沃爾瑪執行一份新的供貨協議。這份協議是沃爾瑪新近提出的 「負責任採購」綠色宣言,分解為一個個明確而嚴格的指標,讓商品從採購原材料到賣給消費者的整個供應鏈更加環保,更具社會責任感。



這次峰會吹響了沃爾瑪打造 「綠色供應鏈」的號角。






在李斯閣眼中,沃爾瑪這些新行動的核心是將可持續發展理念融入運營環節和供應鏈,以高能效、對社會和環境負責的方式生產和銷售商品,讓顧客省錢的同時生活得更好。 誰為成本上升買單 如果沃爾瑪為自己和供應商提出的新目標都能實現,它們將聯手創造一個新世界。但眼下一個尚待解決的新問題是,誰來為供應商新增的成本買單,尤其是在成本大幅上升而需求明顯放緩的現在。



現在來看,以善於控制成本著稱的沃爾瑪還沒有設計出一套系統的方案,幫助供應商應對「綠色供應鏈」導致的成本上升。 在被多個記者追問後,李斯閣籠統地表示,沃爾瑪削減自己的毛利,製造商提高效率,或者消費者多付一點錢,這些都是可能的選擇。





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