2010年2月8日 星期一

Seven Tips for Becoming a Sustainable Company

企業長命百歲 七大訣竅


1. 設定永續發展的目標、以及衡量成功的標準

1. Setting Sustainability Goals & Measuring Success
Companies should ask themselves what value sustainability can create for the organization, as well identify the costs of not evolving more sustainably. Consider aligning sustainability goals with broader corporate goals.

2. 利害關係人的參與

2. Stakeholder Engagement
Whether its customers or board members, identify who needs to be engaged and what information will move them. Social media is an emerging way to connect with stakeholders.

3. 規劃永續發展的議題

3. Sustainability Issues Mapping
Start with a grid identifying sustainability challenges, issues, sources and opportunities (see the attached image for an example).

4. 永續發展管理系統

4. Sustainability Management Systems
Institute a set of activities and auditable performance objectives.

5. 評估產品生命週期與產品設計

5. Product Life Cycle Assessment & Product Design
Determine the full range of environmental and social damages that can be attributed to your products or services, then determine the least harmful ways of delivering the product or service.

6. 永續發展/企業社會責任報告(CSR Reporting)

6. Sustainability / CSR Reporting
Depending on the size of a company and its public profile, it may make sense to develop a formal sustainability report. Go with Web versions to save paper.

7. 將永續發展整合成為品牌

7. Integrating Sustainability into Your Brand
Green marketing doesn’t have to be a niche product or service. If sustainability is integrated into a company’s operations, sustainability can be the main selling point of the whole product line.

來源:2010/01/29 台灣《經濟日報》


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